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Help you to find your perfect match.

Our intelligent Database allows you to enter absolutely anything - You can enter from 1 to a maximum of 4 characters to find your desired number plate or just one letter if you would like to view all number plates in just that letter. We hope you find something close to what you’re looking for,.
We have over thousands of personalised registrations to choose from. If you cannot find something, then please speak to one of our fully trained members of staff who will be able to help you. Should we not be able to get you sorted now we will notify you when something becomes available that matches your chosen registration..
Here is our top 15 most viewed number plates last month :

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National Regs
One Victoria Square
B1 1BD
07901 010142

Office Hours
MON - FRI : 09:00 - 17:30
SAT  : 09:00 - 12:00
SUN : Closed